If you’re looking to transition to an electric vehicle, one of your main questions may be around the safety of charging – especially at home.
There’s no denying that EV charging is energy intensive, and whilst you can technically charge your car without a dedicated home charging system, it’s not the safest. By having a dedicated connection to your meter box, a home charger can securely draw higher loads without tripping your breakers or overwhelming your circuit. The good news is that when properly installed and used according to manufacturers’ instructions, home charging stations are a very safe way to charge your EV.
In this guide, we step you through EVOS Energy’s design choices that ensure the safety of our AC smart chargers, and additional tips for continuous maintenance.
EVOS Energy’s Commitment
EVOS’s smart AC chargers are designed to process high loads of energy safely and to be weather and impact proof. All of our cables undergo rigorous testing and quality checks before production, surpassing international safety standards.
We’ve also developed a welding detection capability which allows the device to detect a permanently engaged switching contact, preventing instances of live AC voltage on the charge cable. If this event occurs the charger will disconnect itself from the grid until the issue is resolved. To further our commitment to safety and quality we’ve also invested in becoming independently certified by the highly regarded German inspection company – DEKRA.
In recent years, the topic of cybersecurity has been frequently raised in relation to EV charging. To ensure the highest level of protection, we’ve invested in a VPN that uses the strong encryption software AES 256-bit, which is also used by governments and military. This virtually impenetrable symmetric encryption algorithm employs a 256-bit key to convert data to a cipher.
Safety Tips
Make sure that you visually inspect your charging station every few months to assess whether there are any obvious issues like loose components. Keep the area around the charger clean by wiping it down with a soft cloth to remove dust and debris. Whilst internal combustion engine cars are statistically more likely to catch on fire in comparison to EVs, it’s still recommended to have an interconnected smoke alarm installed in charging vicinity.
By investing in EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) that is certified to a high standard like EVOS’ chargers and regularly inspecting your infrastructure – you can rest assured your EV home charging journey will be as frictionless and safe as possible.
If you have any questions about EVOS's AC Chargers, reach out to our friendly sales team at sayhi@evos.com.au
EV energy made simple.
EV energy made simple.
EV energy made simple.