
Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

1. Introduction

EVOS is committed to ensuring slavery does not occur within our operations or supply chains. EVOS adheres to all laws related to slavery. This statement outlines the practical controls and aspects of EVOS' business strategy that reduce the risk of slavery within its supply chains.

2. Controls

EVOS has implemented a business strategy and associated practical measures, that focus on controls it can realistically implement, to achieve a genuine reduction in the risk of modern slavery, in its supply chain.

Key controls include:

a) Implementing a business strategy that complements our internal product development expertise, with a focus on identifying leading ISO 9001 Quality Management certified contract manufacturers, to manufacture our products to the highest quality and ethical standards.

b) For product design and component specifications:

  1. Specifying quality components from reputable suppliers in all EVOS Bill of Materials;

  2. Using reputable component suppliers and never purchasing components on grey markets; &

  3. Never sourcing components from slavery high risk countries.

c) For manufacture of EVOS products:

  1. Selecting contract manufacturers located in countries that have demonstrated a genuine commitment to eliminating modern slavery (currently Australia & Japan); &

  2. Engaging contract manufacturers that have demonstrated a genuine commitment to eliminating modern slavery. This vetting process includes:

    • Interrogating contract manufacturers on their modern slavery controls; &

    • Incorporating robust modern slavery obligations into manufacturing agreements.

d) Training supply chain staff on key supply chain slavery risks.

e) Periodic supply chain risk assessments, to identify and mitigate any new risks.

f) Ensuring all Australian employees are informed of their workplace rights.

3. Continuous Improvement, Review & Approval

EVOS is committed to continuously improving its practices to combat slavery. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our business practices and ensuring that modern slavery has no place in our operations and supply chains. As EVOS grows it will investigate the feasibility of adding additional controls.

The Executive Team will review slavery risk controls as least annually and the CEO will approve any changes.

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